Nate Price
Nate PricePastor

Nathan Price is an adopted son of God—for which he did nothing to earn, but received unmerited favor from a loving God, faithful Savior, through the power of the Holy Spirit. Nathan was born and raised in the Puget Sound, where he cultivated his love for exploring the outdoors and aviation. The passion for aviation led Nathan to work for The Boeing Company for 5-years before pursuing a career in the Air Force.

Nathan received his undergraduate degree in aeronautics and graduate degree in leadership degree from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. He also earned a Master’s Certificate in Project Management from Stevens Institute of Technology and is currently pursuing a Doctorate in Ministry in Executive Leadership from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Nathan has been active in layman ministry for over 15-years, serving in his local church throughout this time. More recently, the Lord placed an undeniable call on the Price family’s lives to uproot and move to San Diego to join a church planted called Doxa Church. Arriving in December of 2023, Nate is a vocational pastor at Doxa while also maintaining reserve status with the Air Force.

Nathan served as an officer and F-16 Instructor Pilot in the Air National Guard and conducted multiple combat deployments to the Middle East. Nathan is married to his wife Jen and has three kids, to which he is committed to discipling first. One of Nathan’s greatest passions is discipling men into a loving relationship with Jesus Christ, and watching it change their lives and the lives of their families.

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